RateMate Hourly Rate Calculator Now Available!

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Designed For Mac OS X and iPhone

RateMate Hourly Rate Calculator is a port of our ProfitWatch Software from Microsoft Windows to Mac OS X and the iPhone.  Mac and iPhone lovers can now determine their hourly rate in style using this new release.

RateMate Overview

RateMate will help you determine the proper hourly rate for your business or services. Too often, businesses fail to charge enough for their time, basing their hourly rate on such things as:

  • What the owner’s friend(s) are charging in their business(es)
  • What other companies in the same area / field are charging
  • What “feels right”

Selection of an hourly rate based on any of these criteria (or others) can lead to under- or over- charging for one’s services or the services of one’s business.

Instead, RateMate allows you to select your hourly rate based on knowledge – of your overhead expenses, desired income, tax situation and personal needs. Once you are charging this way, you will have the confidence of knowing that you are charging the proper amount for your services, and that you are making a fair profit every time you set to work on a new project.

It is recommended that you update your hourly rate quarterly at minimum, to keep current with your changing business environment.

Click here for screenshots and more info on RateMate for Mac OS X

Click here for screenshots and more info on RateMate for iPhone