The Biggest Mistake Many Businesses Make
Pricing is a challenge. Every time we have to quote a job, we have to think through the work carefully and try to price accurately.
Pricing is a challenge. Every time we have to quote a job, we have to think through the work carefully and try to price accurately.
Using EstiMate DiamondMine, you can now very easily see where the financial “leaks” are in your business and learn how to plug them, all by answering a few simple questions and generating a free report.
Estimate 2 offers you extremely powerful features that allow you to identify the type of work you do that’s most profitable, and focus on that in your marketing.
In a recession, you need to make smart money decisions. Dropping prices is one of the worst choices you can make. It’s so, so tempting in this economy to price low in order to get what little work is going around. It’s also the fast track to bankruptcy. First of all, let me say that [...]
Note: This article is written from the sign shop perspective, but is applicably to any small business where time and materials are the bottom line. The wrong hourly rate (or “shop rate”) can be like a hidden cancer for your business. How do I know? Because I almost killed my sign business this way in [...]