I’m Going To Be Your Jacob Marley Today
The other day I got into a long online discussion with some folks about prosperity and success in business. During the conversation it became evident that a few of the participants thought that succeeding in business and earning more than they needed in order to “get by” was the equivalent of cheating the customer.
I was, as usual (you all know me by now , trying to point out how exciting it can be to make enough money to retire, to have what we want in life, to work the hours we choose to work, and as a result to have all the time to do what we want to and have the life we always dreamed of having.
What I didn’t count on was that my ideas would fall on deaf ears. And I learned a lot in the process.
After the conversation I got on the phone with my friend (and V.P.) Nancy, and I said, “what amazed me today was that not only did some folks I was talking to have serious limiting beliefs going on, they not only didn’t see that they had them, but they wore them like a badge of honor.
Now that’s hard to see, much less overcome.
The Best Gift You Can Give Your Customers
There’s a lot of value — serious value — in “having your customer’s back.” What many business people fail to understand is that unless they are prosperous, and stay in business, they are actually sabotaging their customer. The biggest gift you can give to your customers is to stay in business and still be there for them down the line when they need you again. Your prosperity is your community’s gain.
I’m going to say that one more time.
The biggest gift you can give to your customers is to stay in business and still be there for them down the line when they need you again. Your prosperity is your community’s gain.
Remember Ebeneezer Scrooge? In Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, Mr. Scrooge was the very first literary example most of us had of someone with serious limiting beliefs. Interestingly enough, you can see how both sides of the debate I was in evolved from the perspective of Scrooge.
The first side – that of not “cheating your customer” by charging “more than you need to,” is a straight descendent of the belief that to be a “Scrooge” is to hoard, overcharge, and not help your fellow man. This has been hammered into us from all quarters, and it’s a hard lesson to overcome.
But there is a second side.
The second side came after Scrooge had been visited by the three ghosts of Christmas, and became free with his money, and started giving back to his community, and saved Tiny Tim from the clutches of death.
Here’s the important part: Scrooge could do all of that because he was a wealthy man.
The Cratchits got their Christmas goose.
Tiny Tim did not die.
Your prosperity is your community’s gain.
Flight Attendants Know This Secret Already
When you fly on a plane, and you are preparing for takeoff, there’s a little ritual you always go through: the pre-flight safety lecture.
Over and over again, those of us who fly have heard, “put on your own oxygen mask first, then help those around you.”
The same is true in business and life. You must take care of yourself first and then take care of those around you, because once you’ve taken care of yourself you will be able to take care of those around you.
In my opinion, your own success and prosperity is the biggest gift you can give to your customers, your family, your community, and yourself.
What are your thoughts? Please leave your comments below.
I really liked your article especially your point about helping your customer by staying in business. I have never really thought about it in those terms but in today’s age that is a very valid point. Thanks for the insight!
Thank you for your comments, Stephanie. I’m glad you found this insightful and I appreciate you stopping by!
Great post Mark, thanks a lot for the link, I appreciate it!
You bet, Glen – and thanks for dropping by and posting!
Good words of wisdom.
I have a favorite saying…”Sucess is the nature of your journey”.
You should never have the idea that if you work hard, someday you will be sucessful.
Everyday I am alive and still in business is a great day.
I really enjoy your blog…as you can see I am new here.
Great quote. I agree wholeheartedly – success is an attitude and spirit, not a goal or destination. I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog. Thanks for your comments!
great read. i agree that there is different meaning of success for different people. however its important to define it keeping in mind your most valuable asset. your customers.
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