Want To Take The Hassle Out Of Selecting Plugins And Just Get Started?
EstiMate is now available in bundles at slightly reduced prices. We’ve put together six bundle packages that we believe will bring you what you need to get started right away with EstiMate and we’re offering them to you beginning today.
The packages we have available are:
- The EstiMate Vinyl Quoting Bundle
- The EstiMate Digital Quoting Bundle
- The EstiMate “Whole 9 Yards” Quoting Bundle
- The EstiMate Vinyl Shop Management Bundle
- The EstiMate Digital Shop Management Bundle
- The EstiMate “Whole 9 Yards” Shop Management Bundle
The primary difference between the Quoting and Shop Management bundle is the edition: the Quoting bundles all come with EstiMate Professional and the Shop Management bundles come with EstiMate Enterprise. In addition, the Shop Management Bundles include the EstiMate Multi-User Server and a total of five network seats.
All bundles include the QuickBooks Link. Plugins included in the bundles are as follows:
- Vinyl Bundles: 9 hand-selected vinyl shop related plugins
- Digital Bundles: 9 hand selected digital shop related plugins
- “Whole 9 Yards Bundles”: well, what do you think “whole 9 yards” means? You get all 16 plugins we have available.
Check out the links above to learn more, or to jump straight to the bundles page, click here.
And as always, Happy Pricing!
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