EstiMate 2011 Feature Of The Day: Purchase Orders!

We’ve been getting this as a steady feature request for years – the ability to create purchase orders the same way Estimates and Jobs can be created.

EstiMate 2011 brings this feature to the Enterprise edition!

Once you click the “new purchase order” menu item, you can begin filling out a purchase order just the same way you would create a job or an estimate, with all of the items you purchase in the “add item” menu.

Vendor Details Included

Vendor part numbers are included on the printout, as well as your account number with the vendor.

Easily Add Items To Your Purchase Order

You can just scroll through the add items list, and select any item you purchase from that list.  It will be added to the PO and be ready for faxing or emailing to the vendor.  You can even add blank items and just type in what you are ordering.

Status Flags For Purchase Orders

EstiMate 2011 brings status flags (like the ones available for Jobs in EstiMate 2) to Estimates and Purchase Orders, so you can track their lifecycle.

Using these tools makes it easy to manage your ordering process!

Pre-Release Sale Pricing

Read the full announcement here about our massive pre-release sale for EstiMate 2011! You can save up to 50% on your first year’s subscription.

More Feature Announcements Ahead

Keep your eyes peeled between now and October 1 for detailed blogs about the new features in EstiMate 2011, such as Purchase Orders, Vendor Management, and an integrated Job Timer – just for starters!

Your Feedback Is Welcome

Please leave a comment about new features as we blog about them, and let us know what you like and don’t like about where EstiMate’s new feature set is headed.  Our goal is to make EstiMate the most robust pricing and shop management software the sign and graphics industry has ever seen.


  • Daniel Noel says:

    Is there anyway to see all of the new features of EstiMate 2011 in one place?
    I have currently used Estimate for almost 3 years,,,will more than likely ugrade to 2011.

    Also, any possibility this version will have an Inventory Function ??

    In customer set-up will you be able to set -up MULTIPLE Contacts and Emails for
    large companies that have different contacts for different departments?

    Made this request before :
    In Customer Set-up have a way to designate ( check a box ) that a PO# is REQUIRED to process
    a Job , so that when entering an Order the system will not allow it to be processed if a
    PO is required and not entered.

    • Mark Smith says:

      Daniel, I think listing all the features is a great idea – I’ll work on a blog post like that and then hyperlink it to the individual posts as they get posted.

      Inventory was something I really wanted to get in there, but I ran out of time. It’s on my hot list. Multiple contacts per company are the same answer. I remember when you requested a required PO and it’s in our feature list, but honestly it hasn’t been requested by anyone else – I am concerned that doing that would become confusing. What has been done, however, is a check box that will turn the customer notes icon red if there is a reason to read their notes before creating an estimate or a job – so that could be used for you to jump to their record and see that a PO is required.

  • Jim Voorheis says:

    As a long time user and tell everyone I know what a good program Estimate has been, I’m sorry to see you go. Some of the features seem like things your clients have been asking for all along.
    I have just had it with software that has ongoing cost regardless of promised upgrades or support. So I will continue as is. Most of the time I get figures from Price Guide and use Estimate to print Bids and invoices anyway.