The Biggest Mistake Many Businesses Make
Pricing is a challenge. Every time we have to quote a job, we have to think through the work carefully and try to price accurately.
Pricing is a challenge. Every time we have to quote a job, we have to think through the work carefully and try to price accurately.
Good, Better, Best Pricing Is A Great Way To Upsell Customers One really cool trick with EstiMate is to offer good, better, best pricing scenarios to your customers.  If you couple good, better, best pricing with decoy marketing you can usually capture more dollars for your work. EstiMate makes good, better, best pricing very easy to [...]
The biggest gift you can give to your customers is to stay in business and still be there for them down the line when they need you again. Your prosperity is your community’s gain.
Note: This article is written from the sign shop perspective, but is applicably to any small business where time and materials are the bottom line. The wrong hourly rate (or “shop rate”) can be like a hidden cancer for your business. How do I know? Because I almost killed my sign business this way in [...]